January 25, 2016

Timberline NYLT 2019

National Youth Leadership Training 2019

On My Honor ... Using traditions of Scouting and following the Scout Law            Timberling NYLT Logo

Timberline is Scouting at its best!

A week-long exciting, action-packed leadership training experience conducted by the Utah National Parks Council. Through a variety of games and activities, young men/scouts who complete the Timberline NYLT course return to their quorums/troops with a toolbox of leadership skills, such as creating a vision, communication skills, group dynamics (forming, storming, norming, performing), setting goals, planning and team work. But these aren’t simply leadership skills, these are skills for ALL aspects of life. Corporations have sought to purchase the NYLT (and associated adult Wood Badge) curriculum from the BSA to teach to their employee base, given the great lessons taught. But make no mistake, this is not a week-long classroom lecture. The program incorporates lots of games and activities to reinforce the principles taught. Many participants exclaim it is the best camp they have ever attended and for many, it is life changing! See what Robert Gates, former defense secretary and CIA Director, had to say about it: http://blog.utahscouts.org/venturing/robert-gates-nylt/


  • Be 13-17 years old Boy Scout
  • Have achieved rank of 1st Class by camp date
  • Previous attendance at week-long scout camp or equivalent experience (this isn't Camping 101)
  • $180 Fee ($150 if paid 30 days before start of camp), which covers all training materials, advancement awards and food!


The Perl Training Station at Mt. Dell Boy Scout Camp (down the hill from Tifie Merit Badge Camp)
Mt. Pleasant Canyon, Mt. Pleasant, Utah

Getting to Mt. Dell by way of Mt. Pleasant

Map of Mt. Dell 'The Perl' Camp Sites

Google Maps - Timberline Camps at the Perl Training Center


  • July 8-13, 2019, Course #901-16, Scoutmaster Merrick Fonnesbeck


Merrick Fonnesbeck
Porter Rockwell District NYLT Coordinator

Registration Open Now! Click Here!
Only 45 spots available. Register today!!

Scouting is a Boy-led program and this puts the "Boy" more strongly in charge.

  • What a leader must BE...
  • What a leader must KNOW...
  • What a leader must DO...

More Information:

In just one week of action-packed adventure and team building exercises, young men can bring home to their families, troops, and community organizations a toolkit of skills that include:

  • Creating and attaining smart goals
  • Communication and problem-solving skills
  • Team building and conflict resolution
  • Making ethical decisions
  • The aims and purposes of scouting
  • Character development
  • Spiritual development
  • How to teach and lead home troop
  • Service and life skills
  • How to be more independent
  • How to be a better family member
  • How to work with adults
  • Become more accepting of others


  • Give youth the confidence and knowledge to conduct a youth-run program thus learning life skills
  • Train youth in all aspects of effective leadership, ranging from teaching skills to motivating an organization
  • Guide the youth through the stages of Patrol development
  • Give youth the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with youth from other units
  • Enhancement of the relationship between the youth and adults
  • Create an environment of Scouting fellowship and fun guided by the Scout Oath and Law
  • Experience Scouting at its best

From Wikipedia …

Overview & Summary

NYLT is a six-day course during which participants live and work together in an outdoor setting, taking the part of a patrol within a Boy Scout troop. It is run by youth leaders under adult supervision. Participants are organized as a generic scouting unit. They are grouped into troops of no more than eight. A staff member, designated as a Troop Guide, is assigned to each patrol to coach and mentor the daily-assigned Patrol leader. The staff Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) runs course meetings and events, chairs meetings of the Patrol leaders' meeting, delegates duties to other youth staff, assists the Scout Master (Course Director), models the learning and leadership skills, and recruits participants. Staff Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (SPL 1 & 2) assist the SPL, oversee audiovisual support, guide the Service Patrol, inspect campsites, and prepare a model campsite. Troop Guides coach each day's assigned participant Patrol leaders and present selected sessions and activities. Adults perform administrative services and ensure guidelines are met including health and safety. The youth staff must have previously attended NYLT before serving on staff.

The NYLT program is conducted in a one week program. NYLT courses are conducted at local council resident camps which provide the necessary facilities for a week-long course. The content learned at any NYLT course is outlined in the national syllabus. Its origins as a program that teaches leadership skills originated on the Presidio of Monterey at the Army Language School in California in 1958. Originally organized as an experimental patrol to teach boys leadership skills at the Monterey Bay Area Council's Pico Blanco Scout Reservation, it was called the White Stag program. In 1974, BSA published the Troop Leadership Development Staff Guide. Some councils implement small variations in the material taught and may add in other events or special activities and traditions not required in the NYLT outline.

Leadership Skills

The program is designed to mirror the activities of a typical unit over one month, but compressed into a single week. Leadership skills covered include Communicating Well, Finding Your Vision, Developing Your Patrol, and teaching skills described as "EDGE: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable." The youth staff is trained in presenting, coaching, and mentoring, enabling them to conduct the program. The NYLT program as designed by the Boy Scouts includes video and other training content available on a DVD. Participants are given handouts containing the information presented on the DVD. The presentations do not rely on the expertise or competence of the youth staff, helping to standardize what is taught in every program. The content allows participants to practice their skills throughout the week to help them learn it in various games and activities.
The syllabus uses a sequence for learning that the Boy Scouts previously defined and adapted from the White Stag program as Effective Teaching: learning objectives, discovery, teaching / learning, application and evaluation. The training sequence for each leadership skill utilizes the EDGE process. Each skill is Explained and Demonstrated, then the learner is Guided through its application, finally the learner is Enabled through repeated use of the skills in challenging activities.
During the program the participants are taught event planning, communication, Patrol development, teaching, leadership styles, setting goals, problem solving and other leadership skills. The program includes Patrol games and other activities that give participants a chance to apply their new skills. Patrols compete against each other, including a lashing competition and a geocache game. They learn how to create a vision of success, set goals and make plans, listen and solve problems, and teach and lead. They learn about why it is important to put others' needs first if you want to be an effective leader. They are given opportunities to apply the Scout Oath and Law to make hard decisions and how to remain true to Scouting's values.