August 9, 2019

Timberline 2019 - Monday

Day 1 : Monday - July 8th, 2019

Playing Games after arriving

Carson Marble

Lesson in the Teaching Pavilion (T.P.)

Parker says "Hi"

Zack & Cole - part of the Key 3

Staff "Patrol" Flag - Very Musically Inclined

Working on creating Neckerchief Slides i.e. "Woggles"

Uhhgggggg!! Woggles!

Orientation Trail 

Opening Assembly

"Swearing in" of Daily Patrol Leaders

"Swearing in" of Daily Patrol Leaders

Derek "Moose" Blackwell

Staff Campfire Program

Campfire Song - Kirby!

Campfire - Staff Quest Song
BTW, Zack had no instruction on what he should do!
He just winged it & it worked.