August 9, 2019

Timberline 2019 - Tuesday

Day 2 : Tuesday - July 9th, 2019

The Perl Training Center

Mt. Pleasant Valley

Mt. Pleasant Valley

Playing some games before breakfast

Breakfast! Yum!

Listening to the Weather Rock - Dug!
What's the weather going to be today?

"Marshmallow" Challenge - Build a tower with Spaghetti

Nice going Red Patrol!

Nice structure Purple Patrol

Hi there Cadan - 
Um, you have Spaghetti sticking out of your head!

Good going Blue Patrol

Yeah, Purple's a little proud of their structure

Zack's feeling a bit of Lunch

Green Patrol Flag

 Purple Patrol Flag

Blue Patrol Flag

Tuesday Troop Activity - Bottle Rockets

Purple Patrol Rocket

Red Patrol Rocket

Staff Triple-bottle Rocket - 
Parker says, No Countdown!

It's only Tuesday. David has crashed!

Boaz with proud Grandpa 
(Got his Buffalo Duty to God award)

Getting ready for dinner

Look at the boys lined up to wash!

Excitement in washing up for dinner

Worship Service

Nightly Staff Meeting

Cole & Clark Chillin'